About Me

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Welcome to my world. I'm a Jamaican born down to earth soul who loves all things creative. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none. I am always interested in new things and am willing to try something atleast once. Creativity to me is what makes this world what it is. Without people constantly thinking outside the box, where would our civilation be. Thanks for dropping by and hanging out in my world. Peace, love, and many blessings!Butterfly

Monday, February 1, 2010

One project down....Check

The Secret Garden photo shoot has come and gone…It was loads of fun working with the girls…They really enjoyed being in front of the camera and the center of attention. The photos turned out beautifully, thanks to my awesome photographer Tisa Smart-Washington of Affinity Pictures. Tisa is a wizard; there aren’t too many words that can express how magical and wonderful the experience was for the girls and for me too. You may view her photo gallery at http://www.affinitypictures.com.

Well now it’s on to my next project. The Pillbox Fox... more to come.

Til next time

Peace, love, and many blessings

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Welcome to my world. I'm a Jamaican born down to earth soul who loves all things creative. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none.
I am always interested in new things and am willing to try something atleast once. Creativity to me is what makes this world what it is. Without people constantly thinking outside the box, where would our civilation be.
Thanks for dropping by and hanging out in my world.
Peace, love, and many blessings!Butterfly