About Me

My photo
Welcome to my world. I'm a Jamaican born down to earth soul who loves all things creative. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none. I am always interested in new things and am willing to try something atleast once. Creativity to me is what makes this world what it is. Without people constantly thinking outside the box, where would our civilation be. Thanks for dropping by and hanging out in my world. Peace, love, and many blessings!Butterfly

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Featured Etsy Shop of the Day: Artspell

Fall under the spell, Artspell that is. If you are looking for one of a kind original, Art, Decor, Jewelry and more, look no further because its all here. You can find Artspell at http://artspell.etsy.com/

Here are a few of my favorites

Bali bunch neckflair - $56.00

Thought Process Original Acrylic Painting - $185.00

Peekaboo Heart bowl - $28.00

Moth Queen card - $4.75

Imperial Yellow Jade Bracelet - $16.00

If you're like me and love all things artistic and original then Artspell is the shop for you. You can also find Artspell's many other creations at www.reneezanceart.com, blog :heart.reneezanceart.com, become a fan at Facebook keyword search "createdbyrenee". Stop by today and let the spell take over you!

Until next time
Peace, Love, and many Blessings.


Monday, June 29, 2009

The Ultimate Man Play Ground

This revelation has got to be one of the funniest about men. One Saturday morning while running my morning errands, I sat at a light pondering the many things I had to do that day. Suddenly without much thought I snapped out of my daze and set my gaze upon a car wash across the street. Now I know you may be thinking a car wash, how exciting, but what I will tell you next is absolutely amazing. So back to the car wash, as my gaze began to narrow on the fuzzy images walking about pacing back and forth, I noticed a common theme. All of the patron were men. Yes men.

Men of all ethnic backgrounds, all ages, buff ones, skinny ones, tall ones, short ones, bald ones, well you get where I'm going with this. Not only were these men diverse so were the automobiles being washed, luxury to sport utility, minivan to sports cars, two doors to four doors, colors every bit as diverse. But what I found absolutely amusing was how each of them paced back and forth. From the back around then walking back to the front. Checking for spots, then resuming. Wiping windows then circling to back to check the bumpers. I mean this was a very intense task these men were set upon. Each man was in unison taking great pride in the appearance of the car. Taking great car to make sure their car was a true show piece.

So to all the wives, girlfriends, mothers, and sisters, to all the women who have men in their lives and wonder where they disappear to on a Saturday morning. I'm here to tell its not to golf, nor play basket ball or any other sports, or to hangout with friends. No ladies, they go to play in the ultimate man play ground..... The Car Wash...

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Scentsational Giveway

Dessert Soaps stone is having a give away of thier Blackberry Amber glycerin soaps. Visit there blog at www.desertsoapstone.blogspot.com for a chance to enter and win. I know I will.

Till next time
Peace, Love, and Blessings

Threadkiller for a feature in Youtube Indie5

So I've been participating in my first THREADKILLER posted by DaniellesDesigns on Etsy for a chance to be featured in the Indie5 Youtube channel and I got say this has been the most fun I've had in a while. I've been chatting with some of the most interesting Etsians to date. The competition has been very stiff and every time you think you're on a roll a new competitor comes sailing in the gates.

I've had something to look forward to each days as we battle it out for the longest stretch.

stay tuned for my next post where I feature some of the artisans who've been in competition from day one.

Till next time
Peace, love, and blessings!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So I was up til 4 am this morning. After going to bed early and then waking a little before midnight I became restless. So I decided to turn the lights on and get crocheting. I made 3 more crochet flowers in black, white, and oatmeal. These flowers will either become brooches or get attached to headbands.

Eventually I fell back asleep at about 4 am and had to be back up by 7:30. Today will be a long day.
Welcome to my world. I'm a Jamaican born down to earth soul who loves all things creative. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none.
I am always interested in new things and am willing to try something atleast once. Creativity to me is what makes this world what it is. Without people constantly thinking outside the box, where would our civilation be.
Thanks for dropping by and hanging out in my world.
Peace, love, and many blessings!Butterfly