About Me

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Welcome to my world. I'm a Jamaican born down to earth soul who loves all things creative. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none. I am always interested in new things and am willing to try something atleast once. Creativity to me is what makes this world what it is. Without people constantly thinking outside the box, where would our civilation be. Thanks for dropping by and hanging out in my world. Peace, love, and many blessings!Butterfly

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So I was up til 4 am this morning. After going to bed early and then waking a little before midnight I became restless. So I decided to turn the lights on and get crocheting. I made 3 more crochet flowers in black, white, and oatmeal. These flowers will either become brooches or get attached to headbands.

Eventually I fell back asleep at about 4 am and had to be back up by 7:30. Today will be a long day.


  1. I am a kindred spirit, girl. Often just when it's time to wind down and get some rest, the ideas flow harder than ever. I was asking my brother why this happens (he does films and often works thru the night), and he couldn't explain it either. I guess it's the curse of the creatives... (but I wouldn't turn it off for anything ;o)

  2. p.s. I'm so proud of you - your shop looks great, your blog looks great, you've been interacting w/the communities and gotten started on a.f. - I promise it will pay off!


Welcome to my world. I'm a Jamaican born down to earth soul who loves all things creative. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none.
I am always interested in new things and am willing to try something atleast once. Creativity to me is what makes this world what it is. Without people constantly thinking outside the box, where would our civilation be.
Thanks for dropping by and hanging out in my world.
Peace, love, and many blessings!Butterfly