About Me

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Welcome to my world. I'm a Jamaican born down to earth soul who loves all things creative. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none. I am always interested in new things and am willing to try something atleast once. Creativity to me is what makes this world what it is. Without people constantly thinking outside the box, where would our civilation be. Thanks for dropping by and hanging out in my world. Peace, love, and many blessings!Butterfly

Friday, January 22, 2010

Secret Garden

One week and counting to the Secret Garden Photo shoot. I've been excited for sometime to reintroduce my Darling Butterfly Linx girl's line. Except this time I want to incorporate my beautiful nieces in my product photos.

This should be very interesting as each girl has her own unique little way about her. And I am nearing finish. Photos of the hats to come.

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Welcome to my world. I'm a Jamaican born down to earth soul who loves all things creative. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none.
I am always interested in new things and am willing to try something atleast once. Creativity to me is what makes this world what it is. Without people constantly thinking outside the box, where would our civilation be.
Thanks for dropping by and hanging out in my world.
Peace, love, and many blessings!Butterfly